
Saturday, January 30, 2010

Indira Sona, the first rice hybrid for the shallow lowlands of Chhattisgarh State

The rainfed lowland ecosystem occupies about 40% of the state’s total rice area. Yield in these areas has remained stagnant in the past decades. Several pockets within this system can be considered as favorable lowland.The IGKV has identified the first rice hybrid, Indira Sona, for the shallow lowland ecosystem. Released for commercial cultivation in 2006. The hybrid has medium growth duration and high yield potential (8–9 t ha–1) (table). The area under hybrid rice is increasing gradually in the state and is currently around 50,000 ha.

Seed production of Indira Sona is easier because it involves less staggered flowering between the female and male parental lines (5−7 d). The restorer line (R710-437-1-1) has good floral characters—i.e., asynchronous flowering with good pollen load. Thus, only two staggered sowings of the restorer line are required for seed production. The panicle of restorer line R710-437-1-1 is pale green at the time of flowering; the sickle-shaped bunt at the end of the panicle is one of the restorer’s distinguishing features.

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